黃偉忠醫生(Dr. WONG WAI CHUNG) - 香港醫生目錄網提供黃偉忠醫生及診所的資料,如醫生專業資格、診所地址、診所電話、診症時間等。黃偉忠醫生(Dr. WONG WAI CHUNG)診所位於香港旺角區,請即按此查詢或電話預約黃偉忠醫生。
醫生姓名︰黃偉忠醫生 Dr. Wong Wai Chung 性別︰男 專業資格︰香港大學內外全科醫學士 1983, 香港中文大學家庭醫學文憑 1989 地址︰ 香港灣仔灣仔道162-164號地下B1 診症時間︰ 星期一︰0900-1300; 1430-1900 星期二︰0900-1300; 1430-1900 星期三︰0900-1230 ...
Jin Yao Teo, John Carson Allen, David Chee Eng Ng, Julianah Bee Abdul Latiff, Su Pin Choo, David Wai-Meng Tai, Albert S. C. Low, Foong Koon Cheah, Jason Chang, Juinn Huar Kam, Victor T. W. Lee, Alexander Y. F. Chung, Chung Yip Chan, Pierce K. H. Chow, Brian K. P. Go...
See C,Li, YS,Lam, CSN, Poon, HK, Wai, MS, Lau, JWS., Chan, LK, Chan, SO. 'DeepMind and Beyond: Using Machine Learning to Teach an Artificial Intelligence Anatomy for Medical Education' CUHK Teaching and Learning Expo 2020, Hong Kong ...
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Fung Shing Tack, Ho Cyrus K., Choi Siu Wai, Chung Wai Yuen, Benzie Iris F.F.. Comparison of catechin profiles in human plasma and urine after single dosing and regular intake of green tea (Camellia sinensis), British Journal of Nutrition 2013; 109(12): 2199-2207 doi:10.1017/S00071*...
The phenotypic switching between HLA-DR+ and HLA-DR- neutrophils may represent a promising therapeutic potential to restore immune surveillance in HCC.Yum-Hung Fredrick ChengSui-Yan TamWai-Ho Oscar YeungKwan ManChung-Mau LoGut;Journal of British Society of Gasteroenterology...
So Chung Yin Best Student Paper Award of The 2009 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering Influence of Highlighting Validity on Dynamic Text Comprehension Performance International Association of Engineers Chan Wai Lun Best Paper Award of The 2009 IAENG International Conference on Industrial...
Dr. CHUNG, WAI HO 網站內容不是官方資料, 並不確保其真確性亦不代表有關醫務所, 實際資料請向醫務所查詢 補充/更新 鍾偉豪 醫生資料 專業資格 香港中文大學內外全科醫學士 1999 香港醫學專科學院院士(家庭醫學) 2015醫療評價 請於看診後, 分享對次診療的評價, 讓其他人可以...