September 18, 2021NewsA statin free life,Doctor Aseem Malhotra,Doctor Aseem's first book,heart disease,Leading Cardiologist first book,lowering cholesterol,Patreon,statins Last week myself and a number of eminent doctors ( with no financial ties to the drug industry) wrote to our health watchdog...
Here is a very informative talk by Dr Aseem Malhotra one of the world’s top cardiologists and a leading campaigner against the barrage of lies and disinformation churned out by the corrupt Food/Medicine Industrial Complex. The new civilizati...
It’s by UK celebrity cardiologist Aseem Malhotra and co-authors. Malhotra is the controversial author of thePioppi Diet, a best-seller in England, that calls for adoption of a high-fat, low-carb modified Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular prevention. He’s incurred the wrath of the medical...