Nguyen, Jennifer C. Romano, Ara A. Vaporciyan, Thomas K. Varghese Keep the Pipeline Open for Women Applying to Cardiothoracic Surgery. Jessica G.Y. Luc, Ourania Preventza, Marc R. Moon, Mara B. Antonoff Expert consensus on neoadjuvant immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer Wenhua ...
ProposedDRTOPmodel for lung cancer time-to-event outcomes prediction The proposed deep learning-based time-to-event outcome prediction (DRTOP) model consists of two parallel CNNs, one of which is trained on CT components of the PET/CT, and the other on the PET components. Based on the ann...
mark thornton, brian a. van tine, amr hesham abdelhamid, jennifer whalen, jay yang, anand rajarethinam, mei sheng duh, priyanka bobbili, lynn huynh, todor totev, angela lax, shefali agarwal, george d. demetri targeting one-carbon metabolism requires mtor inhibition: a new therapeutic ...
processing of Bid (BH3-interacting domain death agonist).9Cleaved/truncated Bid (tBid) interacts with other Bcl-2 family members on the surface of the mitochondria, resulting in mitochondria outer membrane permeabilization, release of cytochromec, and subsequent caspase-9 activation. Both caspase-8 ...
paul l. nguyen, jennifer y. wo predictors of lymph node metastasis in western early gastric cancer. rima ahmad, namrata setia, benjamin schmidt, theodore s. hong, jennifer y. wo, eunice l. kwak, david w. rattner, gregory y. lauwers, john t. mullen tumor heterogeneity and lesion-specific...