You’ve heard me talk in class about the benefits of body language when it comes to stress and test anxiety. Here’s the TED Talk by Amy Cuddy. I have had many students tell me they’ve stepped into the bathroom before the test to do the Superwoman pose. Try it! February 9, 2020Le...
Fake It Until You Become It Dr. Mike BrooksJuly 28, 2013 I recently watched an inspirational TED (Technology, Entertainment, & Design) Talk by Harvard social psychologist Dr. Amy Cuddy. It’s definitely worth watching (so I’ve embedded… ...
The next day I metAmy Cuddy, the author of the best-selling bookPresence, who made this power pose famous.Amy is a gifted researcher, speaker, and writer. She’s also naturallyresilientand that superpower has helped save both her life and her career. In her 2012TED talk, which became th...
Another Harvard academic, Amy Cuddy, at Harvard Business School writes (2016) about skills which enhance the differentiated self, in particular the ‘I-position’ and ‘Fusion with Others’ parts. Cuddy is reputed to have the second highest viewed TED talk in history (you can clickhereto view...