这些药物均已进入不同阶段的临床试验,显示了很好的临床应用前景。此外,阿莱塔哈(Aletaha)等报道,对TNF 抑制剂治疗效果差的活动性RA患者,选用IL-6 单抗sirukumab 后可有效改善症状和体征,且耐受性良好[Lancet 2017, 389(10075):1206-1217]。 有关RA 减停药一直是RA治疗领域的热点问题。最新一项荟萃分析显示,停用...
Aleta 05/07/2022 • regaleage – To call God a liar is blasphemy. God’s covenant with Abraham/Jewish People, He said was Forever! Forever means forever. The Apostle Paul confirms this in the NT. Olive Tree Ministries radio broadcast on 900 radio stations this weekend on this very top...