The problem manifests itself by displaying the following error message any time someone tries to open a .dqy file: "Microsoft Excel has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I found ...
This problem is happening on both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 workstations and it occurs with every .dqy file we try to open/launch.The problem manifests itself by displaying the following error message any time someone tries to open a .dqy file: "Microsoft Excel has stopped working. A ...
This problem is happening on both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 workstations and it occurs with every .dqy file we try to open/launch.The problem manifests itself by displaying the following error message any time someone tries to open a .dqy file: "Microsoft Excel has stopped working. A ...
This problem is happening on both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 workstations and it occurs with every .dqy file we try to open/launch. The problem manifests itself by displaying the following error message any time someone tries to open a .dqy file: "Microsoft Excel has stopped working. ...
This problem is happening on both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 workstations and it occurs with every .dqy file we try to open/launch. The problem manifests itself by displaying the following error message any time someone tries to open a .dqy file: "Microsoft Excel has stopped working. ...
热烈祝贺!我院院长翟秀伟荣获「国家卫健委脑卒中防治工程模范院长」我院卒中中心实力再获官方认证! 喜报 大庆油田总医院荣获“2019年度脑卒中高危人群筛查和干预项目先进单位” 院长翟秀伟被授予“2020年国家卫生健康委脑卒中防治工程模范院长” 11月26日 中国脑卒中大会暨脑卒中防治工程总结会...
其间:1961年1月医院住院大楼投入使用,国家从中国医大、哈医大等大医院选派一批国内知名医学专家住院大庆会战和医院建设。1962年9月外科实施了首例肺叶切除术。 1965年02月——1968年04月 大庆职工医院 其间:1965年8月外科首例肝胆管结石患者肝叶切除成功,取出结石83块。
党委书记: 宋林贵 (1961年8月—1962年12月) 尚志敏 (1962年12月—1963年12月) 所长: 马向魁 (1960年4月—10月) 院长: 徐学海 (1960年10月—1961年8月) 李永刚 (1961年8月—1963年12月) ■1964-1979■ 党委书记: 尚志敏 (1964年1月—1964年9月) ...
第三十一个世界艾滋病日刚刚过去一天,油田总医院麻醉手术科便接收了一位疑似HIV阳性患者。 12月2日,又是一个忙碌而充实的夜班。 此时,麻醉手术科的急诊电话又一次响起,微创肿瘤外科张福民医生表示,一位疑似HIV阳性的阑尾炎患者,需急诊手术。 “虽说,在生命面前人人平等,但艾滋病患者屡遭拒诊却是不争的事实,为艾滋...