epsilon函数 DQNAgent构造函数核心参数 DQNAgent核心函数 tf.make_template 核心数据流图 epsilon函数 linearly_decaying_epsilon,线性的对epsilon进行递减,先保持1.0一段时间(warmup_steps),然后线性递减,最后递减到最小值之后维持这个最小值; DQNAgent构造函数核心参数 update_horizon,n-step中的n,后向观察的步数; mi...
(which simulates the pole environment) to work properlyimporting gymnasiumHere we implement the neural network, he define a class which lets us quickly create any fully connected networkThe architecture for the DQN agent is covered in chapters 8 and 9 of the grokking deep learning book (which ...
深度强化学习DQN中,Agent的一些参数 这是深度强化学习(Deep Q-Network, DQN)中的代理(Agent),它封装了关于该代理的一些参数和设置。下面是对每个参数和设置的简要分析: 1. `learning_rate`(学习率): - 控制神经网络的权重更新步长。较小的学习率使得更新步子更小,有助于稳定训练,但可能需要更多的训练时间。 2...
DQN agents do not use an actor. During training, the agent: Updates the critic learnable parameters at each time step during learning. Explores the action space using epsilon-greedy exploration. During each control interval, the agent either selects a random action with probabilityϵor selects ...
agent = rlDQNAgent(critic,agentOptions) Description Create Agent from Observation and Action Specifications agent= rlDQNAgent(observationInfo,actionInfo)creates a DQN agent for an environment with the given observation and action specifications, using default initialization options. The critic in the agent...
在第 5 章讲解的 Q-learning 算法中,我们以矩阵的方式建立了一张存储每个状态下所有动作值的表格。
agent = rlDQNAgent(critic,agentOpts); % 指定训练参数trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(... 'MaxEpisodes', 1000, ... 'MaxStepsPerEpisode', 500, ... 'Verbose', false, ... 'Plots','training-progress',... 'StopTrainingCriteria','AverageReward',... ...
Goal-Oriented Chatbot trained with Deep Reinforcement Learning - GO-Bot-DRL/dqn_agent.py at master · maxbrenner-ai/GO-Bot-DRL
return 'rl_coach.agents.categorical_dqn_agent:CategoricalDQNAgent' # Categorical Deep Q Network - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.06887.pdf class CategoricalDQNAgent(ValueOptimizationAgent): def __init__(self, agent_parameters, parent: Union['LevelManager', 'CompositeAgent']=None): super().__init...