Toxicities can be partly due to genetic variations in DPYD. Herein, we describe the implementation of an in-house DPYD test and its impact on FP dosing at a multisite cancer hospital. Methods: This is an observational study of pts starting or continuing FP-based chemotherapy who received DPYD...
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However, these recommendations are not intended for diagnostic DPYD genetic testing of the autosomal recessive DPD deficiency disorder. This document should be implemented together with other relevant clinical guidelines, including those published by the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC)...
For the genetic association testing, sex, age and ethnicity (coded as European vs non-European ancestry) were included in all models as standard covariates, together with GFR. The frequency of each SNP was compared with the published frequencies for Caucasian individuals in dbSNP and all SNPs ...
Subjects with a gene activity score of 2 (reference) should receive a standard dose. Based on the DPWG clinical implication score, DPYD genotyping is considered “essential”, therefore directing DPYD testing prior to initiating fluoropyrimidines....
GENETIC markersANTINEOPLASTIC agentsINBORN errors of metabolismCOLORECTAL cancerCANCER chemotherapyThe article reports on the recommendation by pharmacists about the importance of DPYD gene variant tests for patients undergoing fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy. Topics mentioned include the benefits of testing for ...
DPYD genetic testing to prevent severe and fatal fluoropyrimidine toxicity should be reserved for patients receiving systemic treatment and need not include patients receiving topical treatment, in whom risk of severe toxicity is minimal.doi:10.1200/jco.2023.41.16_suppl.12123Javier Granados...
This issue of I Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics i features an impressive article by Hertz I et al i .[1] who vehemently call for a change of the current policy of the US Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) not to recommend genetic testing of the dihydropyrimidine dehydr...
To understand the functional importance of rare genetic variants in DPYD, a pharmacogene whose alterations can cause severe toxicity in patients exposed to fluoropyrimidine-based regimens, massively parallel sequencing of the exonic regions and flanking splice junctions of the DPYD gene was performed in...
Pretreatment testing reduced toxicities and hospitalizations compared with reactive testing, thus normalizing the risk to that of wild-type patients, and should be considered standard practice.D. Grace NguyenDepartment of Cancer Pharmacology & Pharmacogenomics, Atrium Health Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte...