附录: 如果调用Matlab中自带函数,也可完成: symbols = 1:6;. p = ; dict,avgle 14、n = huffmandict(symbols,p);. msg = randsrc(1,10000,symbols; p); code1 = huffmanenco(msg,dict); M =6; code2 = dpskmod(code1,M); ynoisy = awgn(code2,200,measured); decode2= dpskdemod(ynoisy...
通过这次的课程设计让我们加深了对课本知识的深入理解,而且也让我们更加熟练地运用MATLAB仿真软件。 关键词:PCM编码,PSK,DPSK,MATLAB Abstract As we all known ,PSK modulation and DPSK modulation are the most important part in moderncommunicationsystem.Also,the technology of improving PSK modulation is the ...
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™. Version History Introduced before R2006a See Also dpskdemod|pskmod|pskdemod|comm.DPSKModulator Topics Phase Modulation Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Based on you...
dpsk modulation demodulation matlabmatlab program for dpsk
如果调用Matlab中自带函数,也可完成: symbols = [1:6];. p = [ ]; [dict,avglen] = huffmandict(symbols,p);. msg = randsrc(1,10000,[symbols; p]); code1 = huffmanenco(msg,dict); M =6; code2 = dpskmod(code1,M); ynoisy = awgn(code2,200,'measured'); ...
关键词:PCM编码,PSK,DPSK,MATLAB Abstract Asweallknown,PSKmodulationandDPSKmodulationarethemostimportantpartinmoderncommunicationsystem.Also,thetechnologyofimprovingPSKmodulationisthemostessensialapproachtoimprovethefunctionofmoderncommunicationsystem.ThispaperisbasedonthePCMcodingandMATLABtoahievePSKandDPSKmodulation.In...
1.Simulink的DPSK实现:利用MATLAB simulink模块实现了自定义的DPSK信号的调制和解调,其中通信是利用simulink的UDP send和UDP receive来实现的,将两台电脑直接用网线连接起来,便可在两边分别运行UDP send和UDP receive实现通信,其中目的IP用“”以进行广播。2.考虑噪声的通信:在考虑噪声的情况下传输...
On Building DPSK Modulation and Demodulation by Software This thesis mainly using the SIMULINK simulation platform which integrated in MATLAB to design a DPSK (Differential Phase Shift Keying)modulation and differential detection system. DPSK (Differential phase shift keying) is a digital modulation, use...
DPSK Modulation Integer-Valued Signals and Binary-Valued Signals Extended Capabilities C/C++ Code Generation Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™. Version History Introduced in R2012a See Also Functions dpskmod|dpskdemod|pskmod|pskdemod ...
环节时域和频域的波形并结合调制原理跟踪分析 比较了各种调制方法的性能并通过比较仿真与理论计算的性能证明了仿真的可 靠性通过这次的课程设计让我们加深了对课本知识的深入理解而且也让我们更 加熟练地运用MATLAB 仿真软件 关键词PCM 编码PSKDPSKMATLAB Abstract As we all known PSK modulation and DPSK modulation ...