DPS,即Department of Public Safety的缩写,直译为公共安全部。这个术语广泛应用于英文,表示政府机构中负责公共安全的部门。它的中文拼音是gōng gòng ān quán bù,其流行度在英语中为1753次,属于Governmental类别,主要用于警察部门的工作和通信中。在具体应用中,DPS的实例包括:2月26日,爱荷华州的...
DPS是USC划定的校园周边安全区域,全称为Department of Public Safety,简称DPS,是以 UPC 和 HSC 为中心,半径约 2.5 英里的一片区域,区域内会提供 24 小时不间断的巡逻服务。DPS内有 300多名全职员工和部分学生员工,负责安保巡逻。 DPS内的安全巡逻是一周7天,每天24小时的不间断巡逻,在DPS区域内发生的任何紧急情况...
得克萨斯州公共安全局DPS(Texas Department of Public safety)将要求腰围超过40英寸(101.6厘米)的男性警员和腰围超过35英寸(88.9厘米)的女性警员参加体重控制项目。 如果到12月未达到腰围要求的州警可能会...
DPS 美 英 n.数据处理系统;提高划水效果的练习;二苯砜 网络数据处理系统(data processing system);每秒伤害(Damage per second);公共安全厅(Department of Public Safety) 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 数据处理系统 2. 提高划水效果的练习 3. 二苯砜 ...
The Beverly Hills Department of Public Safety is located on the north side of W Thirteen Mile Rd. approximately 1/4 mile west of Southfield Rd. Beverly Hills is five miles north of Detroit and four miles south of Pontiac. Beverly Hills borders Royal Oak to the east, Birmingham to the nort...
The Texas Department of Public Safety, or DPS, has offices located throughout the state. In larger metroplexes, there is usually a DPS location in each of the smaller cities in that area. Offices are generally located in rural areas of the state, where populations exceed 50,000 in populatio...
“The greatest honor of my life is to have served as the director of the Department of Public Safety for over 15 years,” McCraw said. McCraw began with DPS in 1977 as a highway patrol trooper before becoming a narcotics agent. He moved to the FBI, where he served as a special agen...
Department of Public Safety:a state or local government agency with responsibilities that vary by jurisdiction and can include the coordination of emergency aid services and disaster response, the administration of state police and state correctional facilities, the promotion of highway safety and enviro...
article Nathanael Haddox (Texas Department of Public Safety) AUSTIN, Texas - A leader within the Texas Department of Public Safety was arrested Thursday and charged with driving while intoxicated. Austin police arrested Nathanael Haddox, the Chief Equal Employment Opportunity Officer with Texas DPS. ...
DPSDepartment of Public Safety DPSDamage Per Second(gaming) DPSDenver Public Schools(Colorado) DPSDetroit Public Schools DPSDelhi Public School(India) DPSDurham Public Schools DPSDepartment of Public Service(various locations) DPSDocumento Programmatico Sulla Sicurezza(Italian: Security Document; personal ...