在应用程序的GroupBox控件的OnMouseDown事件中加入如下响应函数,即可通过鼠标移动位置。 procedure TForm1.GroupBoxMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin ReleaseCapture; TgroupBox(sender).perform(WM_SysCommand, $F012, 0); end;...
The other is to constantly spam your light attack button, and then just press your skills at 1 second intervals.This method is probably not as doable on a gamepad as it is with a mouse and is a lot harder on the hand! There are many types of training dummies in the game. Use them...
F to toggle for autorun, saves holding down buttons for getting places, and the most important stuff near WASD because I key with my right hand and mouse with the left hand. I'm not trying to reduce my rotation to only 3 button presses, LOL, and I do bar swap because I alr...
If you are a button spammer, you can put this on a separate keybind as yourIce Block, allowing you to cancel your Ice Block early if you so desire. 2.2.4. Alter Time Cancel /cancelaura Alter Time You can use the above macro to cancelAlter Timeif you do not want to be teleported ...
With the Castsequence modifier, you will avoid accidentally using multiple charges of Thistle Tea when spamming the button. 1.2. Fatebound Cold Blood Macro. For optimal Cold Blood usage when playing Fatebound, you can simply macro it into your Kingsbane ability to always be used alongside it....
Hover your mouse over the chart to view fares, then click to select your preferred departure month. Lowest fare Prices are quoted based on one way / return trip fares for one adult traveling in corresponding cabin classes, including taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government ...
By clicking on "Accept", you agree to the use of cookies. You can change your cookie preference by clicking on the “More options” button. If you wish to change your cookies preferences and learn more about our policy, please visit our Cookies PolicyOpen a new window page. Accept all...
window:EnableMouse(true) window:EnableMouseWheel(1) window:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") window:SetMovable(true) window:SetUserPlaced(true) window:SetScript("OnDragStart", function() window:StartMoving() end) window:SetScript("OnDragStop", function() window:StopMovingOrSizing() end) ...
一个类似定时器的效果,每隔指定的秒数运行指定的函数,采用线程实现,代码简单实用。 import os import ...