SSD-6D主要在真实数据上训练,AEE [Implicit 3d orientation learning for 6d object detection from rgb images在]合成的数据上训练,YOLO6D 和 PoseCNN没有微调 本文IDEA来源 [Densepose: Dense human pose estimation in the wild] 2018 和 [ _ The vitruvian manifold: Inferring dense correspondences for one-sho...
DPOD: 6D Pose Object Detector and Refiner Sergey Zakharov ∗,✣,✝, Ivan Shugurov ∗,✣,✝, and Slobodan Ilic✣,✝ ✣ Technical University of Munich ✝ Siemens Corporate Technology,, Abstract In this ...
Dense Pose Object Detector This repo is a recreation of the methodology for 6D pose estimation by DPOD: 6D Pose Object Detector and Refiner ,written by Sergey Zakharov, Ivan Shugurov, Slobodan Ilic [1]. Given a RGB image, the goal is to estimate the 6D pose of an object. Model was ...