Fluent中离散相DPM模型file编写格式刚接触dpm,想要同时定义多个射流源,看到DPM设置中的injection type 有file类型,但是不知道这个文件应该用怎样的格式编写,自己尝试写的一个txt文件读入就有error,请高手指教。 QQ图片20151020204454.png QQ图片20151020204914.png回复...
如下图所示,设置Injection Type为Surface,设置Release From Surfaces为fuelinlet 设置Particle Type为Droplet,设置Material为diesel-liquid,设置Evaporating Species为jet-a,其他参数如图中所示设置进入Turbulent Dispersion标签页,激活选项Discrete Random Walk Model,设置Number of Tries为10,其他参数保持默认设置,点击OK按钮...
可以用injection 否则没有参数入口了 是的,如何定义?特别是file类型,怎么用? dai26520 这个几何模型简单,可以直接控制入口面的网格数量为1500的约数,比如 100 300 500的,然后DPM入射选择面入射,用入口面入射,设定随机轨道模型的number of tries,保证其与面网格的乘积为1500即可实现1500的离散相颗粒 稻草人1985 4楼...
Basicly I want an injection with all the features that a "File Injection" has, namely I want to specify properties for each particle. But I don't like the "File Injection" since the file would be very large if the particle number is large. Moreover, I don't want to store such kind...
9、s Then, write a UDF dpm Outlet to write a file with the variable that you wish Then, open report>discrete phase>sample> select you surface, injection and output file compute, plot the histogram report>discrete phase>histogram make sure that your statistical moments for the variables o 10...
20、湿气数值计算手册 v2.0 点击injections,creatInjection type 下点选surface, release from surfaces下点选mass-inlet; particle type 选droplet; materials 下选择water-liquid; 勾选最下面的inject using face normal direction; 在point properties选项卡下,diameter :1; total flow rate: 液相质量流量 ,点击OK ...
Actually i run my injection from a file. It looks like it can see my injection but all particle are lost? any idea? I am as well wondering, what should be the unit for the dpm file? mine is in meter, but my unit case in fluent is mm?
在弹出的Set Injection Properties对话框中,进行如下图所示的设置。 7 定义DPM材料 鼠标双击模型树节点Materials > Inert Particle > anthracite,弹出材料属性设置对话框,改变Density参数值为1000,如下图所示,点击按钮Change/Create并关闭对话框。 8 颗粒追踪 ...
在弹出的对话框(如下图所示)中选择Boundaries为outlet,选择Release from Injections为injection-0,点击Compute按钮,如下图所示。 点击模型树节点Results > Reports > Discrete Phase > Histogram,弹出如下图所示的对话框。 点击Read…按钮,加载上一步生成的文件outlet.dpm ...
/report/dpm-extended-summary yes "myout" yes yes injection-0 (system (string-append (if (nt?)"type""cat")"myout >collected.sums")) 第一行将扩展的 dpm 摘要写入文件,覆盖现有文件。第二行使用 Windows 和 Linux 的系统命令将文件内容追加到文件“ Collected.sum”。