沂言秋水 injection type选择file,然后自己编程在需要的位置加入颗粒,文件格式为.inj。每个颗粒的格式可以看看fluent的帮助文件 hitzhx 试问楼主做的是什么,之前也想用DPM来计算翼型表面水滴撞击特性。 小七工作室1 可以再固定位置增加颗粒 也可以随机 猜你喜欢板块...
DPM Injection Type There are several injection types available in ANSYS Fluent, includingsingle,group,cone,surface,volume,plain-orifice-atomizer,pressure-swirl-atomizer,air-blast atomizer,flat-fan atomizer,effervescent-atomizerandfile. Most of the parameters are similar. It has been tried to explain th...
在弹出的对话框(如下图所示)中选择Boundaries为outlet,选择Release from Injections为injection-0,点击Compute按钮,如下图所示。 点击模型树节点Results > Reports > Discrete Phase > Histogram,弹出如下图所示的对话框。 点击Read…按钮,加载上一步生成的文件outlet.dpm ...
helper里是这么说的,File: particle streams injection locations and initial conditions are read in ...
在弹出的Set Injection Properties对话框中,进行如下图所示的设置。 7 定义DPM材料 鼠标双击模型树节点Materials > Inert Particle > anthracite,弹出材料属性设置对话框,改变Density参数值为1000,如下图所示,点击按钮Change/Create并关闭对话框。 8 颗粒追踪 ...
如下图所示,设置Injection Type为Surface,设置Release From Surfaces为fuelinlet 设置Particle Type为Droplet,设置Material为diesel-liquid,设置Evaporating Species为jet-a,其他参数如图中所示设置进入Turbulent Dispersion标签页,激活选项Discrete Random Walk Model,设置Number of Tries为10,其他参数保持默认设置,点击OK按钮...
9、s Then, write a UDF dpm Outlet to write a file with the variable that you wish Then, open report>discrete phase>sample> select you surface, injection and output file compute, plot the histogram report>discrete phase>histogram make sure that your statistical moments for the variables o 10...
/report/dpm-extended-summary yes "myout" yes yes injection-0 (system (string-append (if (nt?)"type""cat")"myout >collected.sums")) 第一行将扩展的 dpm 摘要写入文件,覆盖现有文件。第二行使用 Windows 和 Linux 的系统命令将文件内容追加到文件“ Collected.sum”。
Where # Streams depend on the type of injection , PSD distribution, parcel release method ... For example, for surface injection and standard parcel release method only The high DPM concentration region (red parallel lines) is due to the smaller cell size at that zone. Activating the 'scale...