9、s Then, write a UDF dpm Outlet to write a file with the variable that you wish Then, open report>discrete phase>sample> select you surface, injection and output file compute, plot the histogram report>discrete phase>histogram make sure that your statistical moments for the variables o 10...
如下图所示,设置Injection Type为Surface,设置Release From Surfaces为fuelinlet 设置Particle Type为Droplet,设置Material为diesel-liquid,设置Evaporating Species为jet-a,其他参数如图中所示设置进入Turbulent Dispersion标签页,激活选项Discrete Random Walk Model,设置Number of Tries为10,其他参数保持默认设置,点击OK按钮...
Re: DPM injection #3 ritmat Guest Posts: n/a My question was more , do i need to iterate in this case or just run the particle track? Actually i run my injection from a file. It looks like it can see my injection but all particle are lost? any idea? I am as well wondering, ...
-鼠标点击模型树节点Results > Reports > Discrete Phase > Sample,如下图所示。 在弹出的对话框(如下图所示)中选择Boundaries为outlet,选择Release from Injections为injection-0,点击Compute按钮,如下图所示。 点击模型树节点Results > Reports > Discrete Phase > Histogram,...
As shown from the figure, for this type of injection to be done well, we must first create a surface according to the current geometry and then adjust the specifications and features of the desired surface as shown below, each of which is described in the parameters: ...
November 9, 2006, 02:41 Question about dpm #1 akr Guest Posts: n/a Hi everyone, I want to know which particle escaped from the domain. But I cannot find the way to see each particle fate. I am using "file" as injection type. I have to inject a lot of particles. Maybe I can ...
I am trying to create an injection of multicomponent particles and I am having trouble when setting the materials these particles are made of. I am defining the needed materials and trying to add them into the particle-mixture species (following the inst
Atomizers Surface File DPM模型设置– 观察每个Injection的轨迹 稳态计算的求解策略 – 颗粒相和连续相关系为强耦合时: • 增加Discrete Phase方程的松弛因子 • 降低离散相的迭代间隔(相对于连续相的迭代)至3以 内 • 降低动量方程的松弛因子 – 颗粒相与连续相解耦计算时: • 增加Discrete Phase方程的松弛...
在弹出的对话框(如下图所示)中选择Boundaries为outlet,选择Release from Injections为injection-0,点击Compute按钮,如下图所示。 点击模型树节点Results > Reports > Discrete Phase > Histogram,弹出如下图所示的对话框。 点击Read…按钮,加载上一步生成的文件outlet.dpm ...
(1) 在Injections 项选择injection-0 ; (2 ) 点击Set…按钮,打开射流属性对话框如图所示。 (i) 在Injedtion Type 项选择surface;(面射流源的颗粒流初始位置处在已经设定好 的某个面上) (ii) 在Release From Surfaces 项选择inlet ; (iii) 在Material 项选择sand; (3 )在Point Properties 选项卡中,X-...