set.seed(123) X1 <- sample(0:1, 10, replace = TRUE) X2 <- sample(1:5, 10, replace = TRUE) X3 <- sample(1:5, 10, replace = TRUE) X4 <- seq(1:10) X5 <- seq(1:10) df <- data.frame(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5) df_result <- ifelse(all.equal(df$X4 , df$X5) , df[ 浏...
replace_na用0来替换NA。 parts%>%count(part_cat_id)%>%right_join(part_categories,by=c("part_cat_id"="id"))%>%# Use replace_na to replace missing values in the n columnreplace_na(list(n=0))# A tibble: 64 x 3part_cat_id n name<dbl><dbl><chr>11135Baseplates23303Bricks Sloped...
drop_na(数据) #删除含有na的所有行 drop_na(数据名,x1) #删除 x1列中所有行 replace_na(x$x2,0) #吧=把数据x中的所有na替换成0,但是并未赋值 fill(x,x2) #按照上一行填充缺失值 R2:dplyr 基础 mutate(), 新增列 select(), 按列筛选 #按列取子集 filter(), 按行筛选 #按列取子集 arrange()...
X<-data.frame(X1 = LETTERS[1:5],X2 = 1:5) X[2,2] <- NA X[4,1] <- NA X ### 1.去掉含有NA的行,可以选择只根据某一列来去除 drop_na(X)#去掉X矩阵中所有的NA drop_na(X,X1)#去掉X矩阵中列X1中带有NA的行 drop_na(X,X2)#去掉X矩阵中列X2中带有NA的行 ### 2.替换NA repl...
library(dplyr) # 创建包含缺失值的数据集 df_missing <- data.frame(ID = c(1, 2, 3, 4), value = c(NA, 20, NA, 40)) # 创建包含完整值的数据集 df_complete <- data.frame(ID = c(1, 2, 3, 4), value = c(10, 20, 30, 40)) # 使用left_join()函数连接两个数据集 df_join...
Replace NA with 0 Introduction to dplyr Package The R Programming Language In this article, I showed how touse the dplyr package to compute row and column sumsin the R programming language. In case you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments. In addit...
replace0 <- function(x) { if_else(condition =, true = mean(x,na.rm = T), false = as.numeric(x)) } 上面的函数,是编程的规范所在。当然为了临时的自由而选择之前包含“~”和“.”的写法,只能作为平时尝试的“便捷”,但是不建议作为编程规范作为推广。里面一定有雷,不便于维护。此外,...
#使用字符串missing替换原数据中的NA元素 if_else(x < 0, "negative", "positive", "missing") #if_else不支持类型不一致,但是ifelse可以 ifelse(x < 0, "negative", 1) 举例2: [plain] view plain copy print? x <- factor(sample(letters[1:5], 10, replace = TRUE)) #if_else会保...
有点类似 top_n(10)#ntile,切割数据集为N块,返回具体的数值,属于等分切割ntile(runif(10), 5)#[1] 1 2 4 5 5 3 4 2 3 1#某种程度上,ntile可以用来划分训练集和测试集(类似sample函数)#ind <- sample(2, nrow(mtcars), replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.8,0.2))#mtcars[ind == 1,]#备注:...
replace structure() with new_tibble() in new_grouped_df() (tidyverse#… Feb 11, 2019 select_if() and rename_if() handle lgl vectors. Mar 5, 2019 README.Rmd fixed typo in logo link, removed release canidate section, updated us… ...