(city)) # Remove duplicate rows in all the dataset airbnb_listings %>% distinct() # Find unique values in the country column airbnb_listings %>% distinct(country) # Select rows based on top-n values of a column (e.g., top 3 listings with the highest amount of rooms) airbnb_...
# Remove duplicate rows and check number of rows df %>% distinct() %>% nrow() # Drop duplicate rows and assign to new dataframe object df_clean <- df %>% distinct() # Drop duplicates based on one or more variables df %>% distinct(gender, .keep_all = T) df %>% distinct(gender...
在R语言中,dplyr是一个流行的数据处理包,用于对数据框进行操作和转换。使用另一个数据帧中的值生成dplyr参数是指根据另一个数据帧的值来动态生成dplyr函数的参数。 在实际应用中,可以通过以下...
For lazy tables, the first 100 rows are collected and the predicate is applied on this subset of the data. This is robust for the common case of checking the type of a column (#2129). Summarise and mutate colwise functions pass ... on the the manipulation functions. The performance of...
create corrupt data frames (#1385). You should still preferbind_rows()andbind_cols(). Joins now use correct class when joining onPOSIXctcolumns (#1582, @joel23888), and consider time zones (#819). Joins handle abythat is empty (#1496), or has duplicates (#1192). Suffixes grow progres...
bind_rows()andsummarise()now handles complex columns (#933). Workaround for using the constructor ofDataFrameon an unprotected object (#998) Improved performance when working with large number of columns (#879). dplyr 0.4.1 Don't assume that RPostgreSQL is available. ...
The MASS package is explicitly suggested to fix CRAN warnings on R-devel (#3657). Set operations like intersect() and setdiff() reconstruct groups metadata (#3587) and keep the order of the rows (#3839). Using namespaced calls to base::sort() and base::unique() from C++ code to av...
as_data_frame()on SQL sources now returns all rows (#1752, #1821, @krlmlr). compute()gets new parametersindexesandunique_indexesthat make it easier to add indexes (#1499, @krlmlr). db_explain()gains a default method for DBIConnections (#1177). ...
For lazy tables, the first 100 rows are collected and the predicate is applied on this subset of the data. This is robust for the common case of checking the type of a column (#2129). Summarise and mutate colwise functions pass ... on the the manipulation functions. The performance of...
For lazy tables, the first 100 rows are collected and the predicate is applied on this subset of the data. This is robust for the common case of checking the type of a column (#2129). Summarise and mutate colwise functions pass ... on the the manipulation functions. The performance of...