我真的很欣赏data.table包的速度,但我还不知道如何为汇总函数添加后缀。dplyr包开箱即用就能很好地做到这一点,我希望在data.table中也能做到。下面是一个可重现的例子。,na.rm=TRUE)))cols= sapply(iris_dt, is.numeric)[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "P ...
The main downside of this form is that it forces you to name each intermediate element. If there are natural names, this is a good idea, and you should do it. But many times, like this in this example, there aren’t natural names, and you add numeric suffixes to make the names uniq...
```Let's make that baby interactive.## Creating Complex Pipelines with do* The `summarize` function is fun, can summarize many numeric/scalar quantities * But what if you want multiple values/rows back, not just a scalar summary? * Meet the `do` verb -- arbitrary...
carbNumber of carburetorsNumeric Now that we have an understanding of our columns, let's look at the functions, orverbs, that dplyr provides. These include select, filter, arrange, mutate, summarize, and group_by. Select Let's look at theselect()function. It is used to choose a column....
# Keep all columns except the StudyHours column # Select numeric columns # Create a data frame with the data sorted by Grade (descending) 无计算 计算 未连接 查看 内核未连接 下一单元: 可视化数据 上一篇 下一步 需要帮助? 请参阅我们的疑难解答指南或通过报告问题提供具体反馈。 反馈 ...
bind_rows() works correctly with NULL arguments and an .id argument (#2056), and also for zero-column data frames (#2175). Breaking change: bind_rows() and combine() are more strict when coercing. Logical values are no longer coerced to integer and numeric. Date, POSIXct and other in...
(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) across()有两个基本参数: .cols:选择你想操作的列...fn:你想进行的操作,可以使一个函数或者多个函数组成的列表可以替代_if(),at_(),all_() starwars %>% summarise(across(where(is.character...15 8 264 1358 896 这种情况不能使用where(is.numeric),因为第2个across...
Usedplyrto Drop Column Names in a Numeric Range in R Sometimes, we may have a data frame with column names that begin with a fixed string and end with numbers.dplyrprovides thenum_range()selection helper function to help us select and drop columns that share a common prefix and end in ...
If you’ve managed to produce a 0-row data frame, dplyr won’t try to print the data, but will tell you the column names and types: data_frame(x=numeric(),y=character())#> Source: local data frame [0 x 2]#>#> Variables not shown: x (dbl), y (chr) ...