The following example uses .data to count the number of unique values in each variable of mtcars: for (var in names(mtcars)) { mtcars %>% count(.data[[var]]) %>% print() } Note that .data is not a data frame; it’s a special construct, a pronoun, that allows you to access...
test %>% group_by(Species) %>% summarise(mean(Sepal.Length), sd(Sepal.Length)) #count统计某列的unique值 count(test,Species) 7.连接两个表 options(stringsAsFactors=F)test1<-data.frame(x=c('b','e','f','x'),z=c("A","B","C",'D'),stringsAsFactors=F)test1 test2<-data.frame(x...
dplyr::count(cut) # 连续变量 # 数值和时间日期 # 连续变量的分布,采用直方图 ggplot(data = diamonds) + geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = carat), binwidth = 0.5) # 汇总每个箱子的频数统计 diamonds %>% count(cut_width(carat, 0.5)) smaller <- diamonds %>% filter(carat < 3) ggplot(data...
1.3n()与count() #下面两个命令等价 mtcars%>%count(cyl)mtcars%>%group_by(cyl)%>%summarise(n=n())# # A tibble:3x2# cyl n#<dbl><int>#1411#267#3814#进阶用法 mtcars%>%count(cyl,sort=T)#降序排列 mtcars%>%count(cyl,vs)#两个分组变量 mtcars%>%count(qsec_int=round(qsec))#计算新...
(Species) %>% summarise(mean(Sepal.Length), sd(Sepal.Length))#计数某列的unique值count...整数型变量dbl:双精度浮点数型变量,即实数chr:字符串dttm:日期+时间型变量lgl:逻辑型变量fct:因子,R中具有固定数目的值的分类变量date:日期型变量深刻感受不同连接的区别存疑问题☆尚有疑问:count...(test,Species)...
n_distinctEfficientlycountthenumberofuniquevaluesinavector. Description Thisisafasterandmoreconciseequivalentoflength(unique(x)) Usage n_distinct(x,na_rm=FALSE) Arguments xavectorofvalues na_rmifTRUEmissingvaluesdon’tcount Examples x-sample(1:10,1e5,rep=TRUE) length(unique(x)) n_distinct(x) ...
between() vector function efficiently determines if numeric values fall in a range, and is translated to special form for SQL (#503). count() makes it even easier to do (weighted) counts (#358). data_frame() by @kevinushey is a nicer way of creating data frames. It never coerces ...
#> add_tally (grouped): new variable 'n' (integer) with 5 unique values and 0% NAc<-mtcars%>% count(gear,carb)#> count: now 11 rows and 3 columns, ungroupedd<-mtcars%>% add_count(gear,carb,name="count")#> add_count: new variable 'count' (integer) with 5 unique values and ...
group_by(UniqueCarrier)%>%summarise_each(funs(min(.,na.rm=TRUE),max(.,na.rm=TRUE)),matches("Delay"))#Helper function n() counts the number of rows in a group#Helper function n_distinct(vector) counts the number of unique items in that vector# for each day of the year, count the...
Summarise data into single row of values. dplyr::summarise_each(iris, funs(mean)) Apply summary function to each column. dplyr::count(iris, Species, wt = Sepal.Length) Count number of rows with each unique value of variable (with or without weights). ...