【无畏契约】Sinatraa新浪哥雷兹Raze直播精彩集锦! #无畏契约双城之战联动 #无畏契约#sinatraa #valorant #瓦罗兰特 sinatraa 名字Jay Won 出生于2000年3月18日 国籍美国前守望先锋职业 - Willy咆哮哥于20241127发布在抖音,已经收获了81.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生
How to calculate the eDPI for CS:GO, Fortnite, or Valorant? The ideal eDPI varies by personal preference, but there is a general trend for every game as to which setting might be the most successful. And who knew better than the pros. So, let's take a look: Fortnite eDPI calculat...