学校 University of Oxford 牛津大学 University of Oxford 3 1 0 相关专业 教育学(Education) 背景要求 课程修习 学位 博士 专业 In any subject or discipline, although it is preferable to have some social sciences or humanities background. 工作经验 项目信息 时长 学费 $6000 每学费$ 2,018 ,同时最...
【offer-Oxford-DPhil in Area Studies ,这也太秀了,牛剑集齐全了】Hi 申请季结束了我也来报offer啦,一路走来很感谢网友们和博士的分享,陪伴我度过申请季的焦虑过程。Offer:1. Oxford- DPhil in Area Studies 2. Cambridge- PhD in Education 3. UCL- PhD in Social Science。Bg:Cambridge- MPhil in ...
(Education) Doctor of Philosophy. Also:PhD Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: ...
Personal Statement: You should also submit a one-page personal statement in English explaining your motivation for applying for graduate study at Oxford, in which you may wish to consider the following questions: https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/dphil-philosophy?wssl=1 ...
Applications are open for entry in October 2025. We are currently open for applications for entry in October 2025. All applications must be completed by12 noon UK time on Tuesday 3 December 2024to be considered for competitive Cancer Research UK Oxford Centre funding. More details on how to ap...
Patient education materials SCIENTIFIC AND THERAPY AREA EXPERIENCE ABOUT ME My academic credentials include a first-class honours degree and doctorate in biochemistry, both from the University of Oxford, UK, which have equipped me with a rigorous scientific understanding that I bring to bear on all ...
录取结果:Cambridge-Mphil in Education 专业目标:教育类博士 申请条件:本硕西安交大,本科GPA 3.0/4.0,主攻低龄教育. 牛津大学 B同学 录取结果:Oxford、Edinburgh、Manchester 专业目标:研究型硕士 申请条件:本硕北大,GPA较低,本硕field work共计6次。 帝国理工学院 ...
Personal Statement: Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, your relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest you and/or you intend to specialise in. Please also give an indication of the area of ...
If you have been out of education for a substantial period of time, you may use up to two professional references relevant to the course.Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement,motivation, ability to work individually and in a group, and in the case of applicants...