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Engineering or a related discipline relevant for the proposed area of research, such as physics, materials science, computer science, applied mathematics or chemistry. 工作经验项目信息 时长 学费 $9000 注册超过20点的学生,超出19点的每点将收取$ 28,230 +每点$ 1,790。 截止日期 2019-03-09Early ...
As a research student, a proportion of your time will be devoted to writing science in a formal academic style. There are many resources that will help you to write your thesis, such asWriting your thesis,Completing your doctorate,Essay and dissertation writing skillsand also otherresources for...
我们邀请了CS 方向的咨询师 Oxford Dphil in Computer Science 送你一份最新最全的计算机领域 留学申请攻略 手把手教你 如何申请暑期科研 如何提升背景 如何提早准备申请过程 分享内容包括但不限于 1.博士申请所需材料及流程,与美国的区别 2.Mphil 和PhD学位有什么区别? 3.英国博士奖学金申请渠道有哪些? 4.牛津...