*crypto_pool; uint8_t cryptodev_id; void decrypt_data(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint8_t *iv) { struct rte_crypto_op *crypto_op; if (rte_crypto_op_alloc(crypto_pool, RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC, &crypto_op) == NULL) { rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot allocate crypto op\n"); } ...
Hi All, we are using a custom board based on LS1046A, we are running the dpdk-l2fwd-crypto using 2 boards connected back to back. When we are running
we are using a custom board based on LS1046A, we are running the dpdk-l2fwd-crypto using 2 boards connected back to back. When we are running the application iam getting SEC return err:0x2000171aPMD: SEC return err:0x2000171aPMD: and the...
dpdk应用场景系列07--l2fwd (二层地址转发) 下一篇 » dpdk应用场景系列09--l2fwd-crypto(二层地址转发+ 加解密) 引用和评论 flink的窗口计算方式 putao 0条评论 得票最新 评论支持部分 Markdown 语法:**粗体** _斜体_ [链接](http://example.com) `代码` - 列表 > 引用。你还可以使用@来通知其他用...
12、dpdk-l2fwd-crypto: 带加密的L2转发(l2fwd-crypto)示例应用程序,使用Cryptodev库进行包处理 13、dpdk-l2fwd-jobstats:利用虚拟化环境中的SR-IOV特性的L2层转发程序(包含 job stats library) 14、dpdk-l2fwd: 利用虚拟化环境中的SR-IOV特性的L2层转发程序 15、dpdk-l2fwd-event:演示轮询和事件模式数据包I...
Java中的引用DPDK是C语言写的,编译需要gcc,DPDK自带很多工具脚本,会调用到其他命令行工具 numactl ...
L2fwd has been tested and can be used normally ./l2fwd -c 3 -n 2 -- -p 1 -T 1 3.I have carried out the test according to your advice, but I still get an error 4.I compiled the DPDK directly from the following command tar xf dpdk-16.07.tar.xz cd dpdk-16.07 make install...
examples_2l2fwd-cat_2cat_8c-example.html /usr/share/doc/dpdk/api/examples_2l2fwd-cat_2l2fwd-cat_8c-example.html /usr/share/doc/dpdk/api/examples_2l2fwd-crypto_2main_8c-example.html /usr/share/doc/dpdk/api/examples_2l2fwd-event_2l2fwd_common_8c-example.html /usr/share/doc/dpdk...
问来自DPDK的rte_eth_dev_count_avail()在Linux5.4.0DPDK版本19.11.12上返回0英特尔x550以太网卡EN下载node切换软件 在MAC下有大名鼎鼎的nvm,网上有很多成熟的教程。windows下也有“著名”的nvm-windows 实打实来说,这个挺好用的,不过我的打开方式有点歪~ 现在来看一下这个go语言写成的工具有哪些需要注意的地方...