“生活无法自理”--得不到别人的照顾,是一件非常可怕、无法接受的事。 依赖型人格障碍,人群占比约为0.5%,以下给大家比较全面地介绍一下它的日常表现、症状特征、形成原因以及可能的治疗方式。 10. 依赖型人格障碍 (Dependent Personality Disorder) ·日常表现: 依赖型人格障碍的患者,顾名思义,最明显的特征在于对...
This is the key to normal mental health. We all need loved ones, their love and care, and we do not want to be abandoned. But in some people, this fear of separation reaches such proportions that it results in a serious psychological disorder - dependent personality disorder. This ...