Send Parcel, No PrinterAt DPD Online, we know convenience is important for your parcel delivery. That’s why we offer print-in-store availability for parcel drop off from just £3.99 exc VAT. Save time and money when you choose to print your DPD labels at your local drop off point.It...
DPD is very driver-centric service that allows you to rate drivers and contact them directly, giving customers peace of mind with all package deliveries You can also make in-flight changes direct from both the DPD app and on their website for incoming and outgoing deliveries There are over 2...
t have to. The delivery driver confirmed that my parcel had been delivered with a photo of my parcel on the front door step. This is not my house in the photo and is not my front door step. If the delivery drivers actually did their jobs properly and took time to knock on the door...