eld™ Epoxy Adhesive DP420 Off-White)•Low halogen content (3M™ Scotch-W eld™Epoxy Adhesive DP420 LH)Typical Uncured Physical Properties Note: The following technical information and data should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.
Technical Data Sheet Product Videos Unit of Measure EACH 12 Off-White 200 ml Epoxy https://bindingsource.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/DATASHEETS/ESDbCP_YLORGtNgWuaeOwHQBjeyaQeMLS_1VuECsrvp4EQ?e=PTaFoF https://bindingsource.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/DATASHEETS/ERrZK4e0RmNBtIfrJnlAaLUBeA_mWFq8SqSybur...