Microstructure and Properties of Mo Microalloyed Cold Rolled DP1000 Steels[J] . Qi-hang HAN,Yong-lin KANG,Xian-meng ZHAO,Chao Lü,Lu-feng GAO.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International . 2011 (5)HAN Qi-hang,KANG Yong-lin,ZHAO Xian-meng,L Chao,GAO Lu-feng(School of Materials ...
分类Steel 介绍Docol DP and Docol DL are cold reduced dual phase steels. The steels are subjected to special heat treatment in the continuous annealing line, which produces a two-phase structure in which the ferrite that imparts unique forming properties is one of the phases, and martensite that...
strengthdual-phasesteelsheets,andthemechanicalpropertiesandmetallurgical behaviorsofbuttweldedjointswereanalyzed.Besides,theweldingqualitywas preliminarilydetectedbyspectroscopicofthelaserplasmawhichwasgeneratedby laserwelding. LaserweldingprocessofDP1000wasdevelopedbythemethodofthefirst surfacingweldingandthesecondbuttwelding...
tensiledeformationbehaviorwasalsodiscussedinordertoexplainhowstrainrateinfluencestensilepropertiesof DPsteel.ThestudycanprovideexperimentalsupportfortheapplicationofAHSSintheautomobilebody. Keywords:DPsteel;quasi�statictension;strainrate;microstructure ��近年来,先进高强度钢在汽车轻量化中举足轻 ...
Improvement in Formability by Control of Temperature in Hot Stamping of Ultra-high Strength Steel Parts[J]. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 2014,63(1): 301—304. [6]MERKLEINA M, WIELANDA M, LECHNERA M, et al.Hot Stamping of Boron Steel Sheets with Tailored Properties: A Review[J]...
The results obtained suggest that the failure mechanism and mechanical properties of the steel welds during cross-tension test are mainly governed by the fracture toughness of the weld. While several models have been developed to predict the failure strength of the resistance spot welds, all of ...
Wang Jinfeng, Wang Lijun, Yang Lijun, et al. Research on microstructure and properties of laser welding DP1000 high-strength steel weld joints[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2014, 41(9): 83 -89. [6]Panda S K, Baltazar Hernandez V H, Kuntz M L, et al. Formability analysis of diode...
The results indicate that soaked at 830°C,then rapidly cooled to 240°C ,the dual phase steel can get excellent mechanical properties. The yield strength was 535 MPa,the tensile strength was 1145 MPa,the yield ratio was 0.47 and the elongation percentage was 13% ;The tensile strength ...
Since gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is a common procedure to join different sheets in the industry, the welding direction dependence on the rolling direction was investigated for a welded DP1000, a cold-rolled dual phase steel. Microstructural investigations and mechanical tests were conducted on ...
The static and dynamic mechanical properties of DP1000 steel were tested using an electronic universal testing machine controlled by a microcomputer at the strain rates of 10 4 –10 2 s 1 and a high speed tensile testing machine at the strain rates of 10 1 –10 3 s 1 . The effect of ...