采用修正的Johnson-Cook动态模型,用ABAQUS有限元软件对实验行为进行了模拟,预测结果与实验结果吻合较好 [1] L. Hui, F. Rui, Dynamic deformation behavior and corresponding constitutive model of ultra-high strength DP1000 steel, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 191 (2022) 107188. 科学指南针已获得...
DOCOL® 1000 DP Steel,Docol DP and Docol DL are cold reduced dual phase steels. The steels are subjected to special heat treatment in the continuous annealing line, which produces a two-phase structure in which the ferrite that imparts unique forming p
DP1000 steel1050 aluminum alloydissimilar materials weldingsteel/aluminum jointThe welding of dissimilar metals was carried out using a pulsed Nd: YAG laser to join DP1000 steel and an aluminum alloy 1050 H111. Two sheets of each metal, with 30 脳 14 脳 1 mm3, were lap welded, since butt...
为增加汽⻋安全⽽开发Docol1000DP钢拥有优异的成型及焊接性能。这种钢经过特殊的热处理,主要产⽣双相结构。赋予独特成型性能的铁素体代表⼀相,⽽负责强度的⻢⽒体代表另⼀相。⻉⽒体可以互补相形式存在。 尺寸范围 冷轧/ UC,EG:厚度 0.50-2.10mm,宽度可达 1527mm。 冷轧/ GI,GA,ZA:厚度 0.80-...
High-StrengthSteelsDP1000and SpectroscopicAnalysisoflaserwelding 学科专业:材料加工工程 研究生:李慷 指导教师:**军孙贵铮 天津大学材料科学与工程学院 二零一三年十二月 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的 研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他...
doi:10.1038/sj.leu.2402480Onur ÇavuşoğluSerkan TorosHakan GürünAhmet GüralLeukemiaLeukemiaCavuşoğlu O, Toros S, Gurun H and Gural A 2018 Warm deformation and fracture behaviour of DP1000 advanced high strength steel Ironmak. Steelmak 45 618-25...
Analysis on High-strength Steel Hot Forming Technology for Automobile[J]. Automobile Technology, 2010(8): 56—60. [5]MAENO T, MORI K, NAGAI T. Improvement in Formability by Control of Temperature in Hot Stamping of Ultra-high Strength Steel Parts[J]. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, ...
DPsteel.ThestudycanprovideexperimentalsupportfortheapplicationofAHSSintheautomobilebody. Keywords:DPsteel;quasi�statictension;strainrate;microstructure ��近年来,先进高强度钢在汽车轻量化中举足轻 重的地位日益显现。这主要归因于全球对汽车安全
DP steel microstructure consists of a hard phase of martensite dispersed in the softer matrix of ferrite offering an excellent combination of strength, ductility and formability. Their excellent mechanical properties make them an ideal candidate to be used in car body structure providing a good ...
2 versions: max. 800 ml/min - 2.4 l/min Stainless steel housing iP64 splash water protected Low pulsation by 10-roller pump head Different diameter double tubings Calibration and storage of 8 tubing Optional foot switch & stage bar Small foot-print takes up less bench space ...