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Learn 節目 隨選導學型訓練系列 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 劇集 DP-100 設計機器學習解決方案 (1/6) 取代為 Neil Mclsaac 隨選導學型訓練系列 2024年4月7日 了解如何識別重要的需求,以及當您想要使用機器學習模型時何時使用哪一種服務。 初級 資料科學家 Azure ...
本课程面向拥有Python和机器学习框架(例如Scikit-Learn,PyTorch和Tensorflow)的现有知识的数据科学家,他们希望在云中构建和运行机器学习解决方案。 课程纲要 可以在讲师引导式培训或自定进度学习中做好准备 学习路径 设计机器学习解决方案 4 模块 初级 数据科学家 ...
The first training collects the Microsoft Learn materials for self-serve learning. Next, the exam-prep session will cover how the exam is structured, where to focus your study time, and how questions will look. These sessions are led by experts and test designers from Worldwide Learning. When...
Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate Request achievement code Overview Learn how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale using Azure Machine Learning. This course teaches you to leverage your existing knowledge of Python and machine learning to manage data ingestion and preparat...
The first training collects the Microsoft Learn materials for self-serve learning. Next, the exam-prep session will cover how the exam is structured, where to focus your study time, and how questions will look. These sessions are led by experts and test designers from Worldwide Learning. When...
Thank you!
The first training collects the Microsoft Learn materials for self-serve learning. Next, the exam-prep session will cover how the exam is structured, where to focus your study time, and how questions will look. These sessions are led by experts and test designers from Worldwide...
Microsoft Azure机器学习和预测分析 Python神经网络编程 机器学习入门与实战:基于Scikit-learn和Keras 上面列表中,微软学习网站上的资料,一定要特别仔细的去学习,尤其是有代码的部分,需要在Azure上开一个免费的试用账户,一步一步跟着练习,考试的时候考得全部是细节,犄角旮旯里面提到过的东西都会考的到。
So, the test-takers have a chance to learn about workspace settings, the management of workspace using Azure ML, and registering in addition to maintaining the datastores. Free renewal in one year Our DP-100 free demo provides you with the free renewal in one year so that you can keep ...