器械名称厂家美国科医人Nd:YAG倍频激光治疗机Novus Spectra/Novus Spectra DP 商品 名激光治疗机 规格Novus Spectra/Novus Spectra DP 用法用量脚踏开关可选配标准脚踏开关或具有识别功能的脚踏开关。裂隙灯适配器包括LaserLink Z裂隙灯适配器和LaserLink HS裂隙灯适配器。磷从肠道排出时,是与食物中的钙结合成磷酸钙后才...
这些发现表明,在真空条件下合成的SiC-NW具有优异的发光性能,在光电器件中具有巨大的应用潜力。 Fig.5(a).Photoluminescence spectra of SiC NWs, (b)UV-Vis Diffuse Reflectance Spectrum of SiC NWs. 结论 本研究表明DPMD方法显著提高了模拟的准确性和效率,更准确有效地模拟和预测了Si-C-O分子体系的行为和性质,...
Light IllusionLightSpace CMS3D LUT校准http://www.lightillusion.com Portrait DisplaysCalMAN3D LUT校准http://www.spectracal.com ■ 现场调色软件 开发厂商产品名称支持内容URL链接地址 PomfortLiveGrade Pro通过LUT调整画面 LUT导入功能http://kb.pomfort.com...
查看详情 校色软件 SpectraCal Calman Ultimate ¥3000.00 查看详情 CA410色彩分析仪色差计色度计亮度计测色仪 ¥4000.00 查看详情 Murideo The Seven Gererator 信号发生器SEVEN-GHDMI2.1信号源 ¥6.00万 查看详情 4K高清HDMI2.0信号发生器2403 ¥3000.00 查看详情 HDMI2.1高清8K信号发生器2238 ¥3000.00 查看详...
This paper proposes a pipeline DPQP for quasar pair (QP) candidates' detection based on photometric images and the corresponding spectra. The pipeline consists of three main parts: a target source detector, a regressor, and a discriminator. In the first part, the target source detection network...
[0215]通过施加通过钽舟的电流从钽舟进行热蒸发来制备3TPyMB、TmPyPB、LiF和Al。用–1石英振荡晶体监测沉积速率,并将有机层和金属层的沉积速率均控制在0.1–0.2nm s 。在环境空气条件下,使用可编程Keithley 2420型电源和Spectrascan PR-655比色计测量有机EL器件的电流密度-电压-亮度特性。
查看详情 校色软件 SpectraCal Calman Ultimate ¥3000.00 查看详情 CA410色彩分析仪色差计色度计亮度计测色仪 ¥4000.00 查看详情 Murideo The Seven Gererator 信号发生器SEVEN-GHDMI2.1信号源 ¥6.00万 查看详情 4K高清HDMI2.0信号发生器2403 ¥3000.00 查看详情 HDMI2.1高清8K信号发生器2238 ¥3000.00 查看详...
Support for importing irregular road spectra (file formats: CSV, TDM, DAT, MDF) and reproducing the road spectra in real time through PID control. • 不同形状、幅值和频率的波形切换可以通过配置来减小突变引起的过冲,编辑好的波形可以选择进行平滑处理; Waveform switching of different shapes, amplitud...
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The ability to analyze complex spectra and gain immediate insight into frequency behavior makes Aaronia analyzers an indispensable tool in areas such as radio monitoring, network security and wireless communications... read moreLatest Base Station Antennas View more products 8-Port Antenna from 698 ...