ImmersionBar.with(this) .statusBarDarkFont(true,0.2f)//原理:如果当前设备支持状态栏字体变色,会设置状态栏字体为黑色,如果当前设备不支持状态栏字体变色,会使当前状态栏加上透明度,否则不执行透明度.init(); 有些小伙伴使用之后,状态栏与标题栏之间仍然会有白色空隙,请升级为2.3.2-beta02以上版本 ...
6 new icons for resource packs (.bbmodel, json files directly in atlases, blockstates, font, lang, particles1) Extension will now be able to search for pack.mcmeta in the workspace, and if it finds it, changes the icon theme from current to dp-icons. If not, the theme will change ...
{'name':'google', 'icon':'fa-google', 'token_key':'access_token', 'remote_app': { 'consumer_key':'GOOGLE KEY', 'consumer_secret':'GOOGLE SECRET', 'base_url':'', 'request_token_params':{ 'scope': 'email profile' }, 'request_token_url'...
1.明白密度单位与像素之间的换算 2.使用wrap_content,match_parent,layout_weight来适应屏幕【可在GitHub搜索autolayout来使用,效果还是不错的】 3.使用限定符来设置不同屏幕显示不同布局 4.获取当前的布局(给出对应的响应) 5.使用自动拉伸位图 6.获取屏幕宽高动态设置 7.px与dp转换 学习分享: 一、首先明白密度...
Combine the "not" prefix with the other prefixes. Example:['*', '!font*'] selectorBlackList (Array) The selectors to ignore and leave as px. If value is string, it checks to see if selector contains the string. ['body']will match.body-class ...
Hello All, since Saturday I have been receiving the following error while attempting DP-602: Implement a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric and DP-603: Implement Real-time Intelligence in Microsoft Fabric. Today also when I tried to attempt, I received an error. Can someo...
Scale-independent Pixels – This is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user’s font size preference. It is recommend you use this unit when specifying font sizes, so they will be adjusted for both the screen density and the user’s preference. ... Thanks and Regards, Pendyala Sesha Srinivas Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Daniel_D Novice 02-13-2023 11:54 PM 5,332 Views Hi, not sure which GPU you referring to that is not supported. I was hoping that I...
plate=img0[int(xyxy[1]):int(xyxy[3]),int(xyxy[0]):int(xyxy[2])]result=reader.readtext(cropped_plate)text=" ".join([res[1]forresinresult])cv2.putText(img0,text,(int(xyxy[0]),int(xyxy[1])-10),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.9,(0,255,0),2)returnimg0# 辅助函数:绘制边界框def...
FATE Time Limit : 2000/1000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 32768/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 40 Accepted Submission(s) : 26 Font: Times New Roman | Verda... 查看原文 hdoj2602:Bone Collector(基础背包问题-dp-模版题) ...