SAL-TC364DP-64F300F AAbelongs to the AURIX™TC36xDPfamily.AURIX™ second generation (TC3xx) comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive and industrial trends and challenges.In terms ...
The SAK-TC366DP-64F300S AA belongs to the AURIX™ TC36xDP family. In terms of performance, T36xDP offers 2 cores running at 300 MHz and up to 672 KBytes embedded RAM, 4MB of flash and consuming below 2W.
CEO of StreetScooter GmbH. "We're thrilled about the upcoming collaboration with our partner Chery and this opportunity to open up the world's largest market for electric light commercial vehicles, introduce our energy, logistics and fleet solutions and create a local source of value creation...
We additionally agreed to propose to the Annual General Meeting the election of Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft as the auditor for the 2023 financial year. Our annual Directors' Day was held on the day prior to the meeting. The head of accounting presented detailed information ...
KGaA Lawrence Rosen Lanxess AG Lanxess Deutschland GmbH 2 Prof. Dr-Ing. Katja Windt Fraport AG Membership of comparable bodies Dr Nikolaus von Bomhard (Chair) Athora Holding Ltd., Bermuda (Board of Directors, Chair) Dr Mario Daberkow Softbridge-Projectos Tecnológicos S....
000 16,000 5,000 12,000 4,000 5,000 12,000 18,000 12,000 5,000 – 1 Remuneration for activities in the 2021 financial year paid in the spring of 2022. 2 Stephan Teuscher receives €1,500 for membership of the DHL Hub Leipzig GmbH Supervisory Board (until 26 August ...
DHL inspires a sense of confidence and meets the high expectations of our customers, who wish to receive their products quickly," says David Schröder, CEO of Zalando Operations GmbH. But the partnership goes deeper than that, he explains: "we learn from each other and work together to ...
ETAS GmbH Premium Partner Read More ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ is a state-of-the-art fuzz testing tool that helps you meet current regulations and standards. With built-in automotive cybersecurity testing knowledge, The fuzzer tool ESCRYPT CycurFUZZ enables you to assess the security maturity of y...
ETAS GmbH Premium Partner Read More ETAS delivers the Escrypt Vehicle Security Operations Center as a managed security service tailored to the needs of the vehicle fleet, including the integration of event sources from vehicle fleets and vehicle backend systems. The V-SOC from ETAS follows an open...
ETAS GmbH Premium Partner Read More ETAS delivers the Escrypt Vehicle Security Operations Center as a managed security service tailored to the needs of the vehicle fleet, including the integration of event sources from vehicle fleets and vehicle backend systems. The V-SOC from ETAS follows an open...