dtm-labs /dtm A distributed transaction framework, supports workflow, saga, tcc, xa, 2-phase message, outbox patterns, supports many languages. Go10,330983UpdatedFeb 4, 2025 microsoft /markitdown Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown. ...
senchalabs / jsduck Simple JavaScript Duckumentation generator. Ruby 1,499 240 Updated Apr 16, 2020 dependabot / dependabot-script A simple script that demonstrates how to use Dependabot Core Ruby 558 272 Updated Jul 8, 2024 afeld / mustachio automatic mustachifying of any image...
The SAK-TC366DP-64F300S AA belongs to the AURIX™ TC36xDP family. In terms of performance, T36xDP offers 2 cores running at 300 MHz and up to 672 KBytes embedded RAM, 4MB of flash and consuming below 2W.
(TC3xx) comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive and industrial trends and challenges.In terms of performance, T36xDP offers 2 cores running at 300 MHz and up to 672 KBytes embedded ...
DPUs: A Decade of Innovation Efforts to develop DPU-like systems to handle network, security and storage functions began around a decade ago. In 2014, Amazon Web Services, for instance, began to work with Annapurna Labs, a startup designing Arm-based chips, to develop a system for accelerat...
尽管web3在很多方面还只是个概念,但嗅觉敏感的投资机构们已经前赴后继,其中传奇风投A16z就是代表。曾经投中Facebook、Twitter、Airbnb、Okta、Github、Instagram、Roblox的A16z早在2013年就投中了Coinbase,现在在加密货币项目的代表作还包括OpenSea、Dapper Labs。
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divyaprakashdp.github.iodivyaprakashdp.github.ioPublic This is my portfolio JavaScript 50_Projects50_ProjectsPublic A repo for modified version of micro projects from a tuorial based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. DSA_with_javaDSA_with_javaPublic ...
Contributed to dpecos/dotfiles, dplabs/terraform-aws-module-s3-bucket, dplabs/terraform-aws-module-website-cloudfront-s3 and 16 other repositories Loading Code review 8% Issues 5% Pull requests 87% Commits Contribution activity September 2024 Created 3 commits in 1 repository dpecos/dotfil...
In terms of performance, T36xDP offers 2 cores running at 300 MHz and up to 672 KBytes embedded RAM, 4MB of flash and consuming below 2W. Key features: 2 TriCore™ running at 300 MHz Supporting floating point and fix point with all cores 4 MB flash/EC...