How many do you think you'll need? Jonathan:Well, there will be 10 people total, so maybe a dozen? Anna:Better make ita baker's dozen. Your daughter might want an extra one. She is the birthday girl! Abaker's dozenis a phrase that means 13 of...
Suppose you are asked to buy a dozen bananas from a market. How many bananas will you buy? How many is a dozen? It takes 12 units to make adozen. A group of 12 objects or items are collectively called ‘a dozen’ items.Thus, a dozen bananas means 12 bananas. ...
Discover the origin and meaning of the idiom 'A Dime A Dozen.' Explore its meaning, origin, and usage with exercise. Also, know how it has evolved over time. Learn more!
Answer: Yes, dozens are used in many cultures around the world. In China, a dozen is represented by the character “??” (shí’èr), which means “twelve.” In Japan, a dozen is represented by the character “??” (j?ni), which also means “twelve.” Dozens are also commonly use...
Turkle details the ways technology has redefined our perceptions of intimacy and solitude--and warns of the perils of embracing such virtual relationships in place of lasting emotional connections.For Turkle, a psychologist by training, the biggest worry is what all this superficial engagement means ...
A baker’s dozen is a phrase that means 13 of something. “A baker’s dozen”是指数量为13个。 We usually say this expression when talking about buying baked goods-like donuts, rolls or cupcakes. 我们通常会在买烘焙食品时使用这个表达,比如甜甜圈,面包卷或是纸杯蛋糕。 It refers to the traditi...
For Turkle, a psychologist by training, the biggest worry is what all this superficial engagement means for us developmentally. Is technology offering us the lives we want to live? "We´re texting people at a distance," says the author, the director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and...
How many people do you imagine left the company? A:adozenmeans exactly 12. 查看更多回答 有關單詞和短語的意思和用法 approve approximately be box buy company country do donut few get grow half hastening have include interfere major mean
Success is always a team effort. And astomorrow's team leaders, you must earn the respect and trust of the people youlead. That means being open, seeking solutions, often listening more thantalking.Because peopledon’t care...
The idiomatic expression “a dime a dozen” means that something is common, not expensive, and easily available and, as such, has no value or is not unique. It is very much used when talking about things, persons, or situations that are plentiful and unremarkable, in which their value has...