[Doxygen-style comments](https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/docblocks.html). * Comments should provide brief and/or detailed descriptions. For example, comment blocks starting with `/**` or `//!` use the autobrief feature (comments are split into brief and detailed descriptions at the first dot...
Doxygen的注释风格(CommentstyleofDoxygen) 5Doxygenannotationstyle 5.1summary Ineachcodeentrytherearetwotypesofdescriptions.These twotypesofdescriptionsareformattedtogetherinthe document:oneisthebriefdescription,andtheotheris detailed.Thetwoareoptional,butnotatthesametime. ...
Doxygen 的注释风格(Comment style of Doxygen) 5 Doxygen annotation style 5.1 summary In each code entry there are two types of descriptions. These two types of descriptions are formatted together in the document: one is the brief description, and the other is detailed. The two are optional, ...
I use Doxygen style commenting in my code but it seems to break the comment wrap when I do. If I use *//** to start a comment block, I get /***//** * * Function_name * * \brief Brief function description * * This is a detailed definition that when the comment reaches 80 co...
Port of LLVM to the MOS 6502 and related processors - Fix the other comment to use modern doxygen style and be a bit more · llvm-mos/llvm-mos@1f27f03
Doxygen的注释风格(Comment style of Doxygen).doc,Doxygen的注释风格(Comment style of Doxygen) 5 Doxygen annotation style 5.1 summary In each code entry there are two types of descriptions. These two types of descriptions are formatted together in the d
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type. - fix(docbuild): update style doc to reflect Doxygen needs (#6705) · lvgl/lvgl@d4715a9