型号规格:每粒含有效成份10mg/25mg/50mg/75mg/100mg,每瓶100粒装。 药品详情: 【多塞平doxepin 简述】 本品又名多噻平凯舒 ,多虑平,是一种抗焦虑、抗抑郁药品。 【多塞平doxepin 适应症】 具有抗焦虑、抗抑郁、镇静、催眠、肌肉松弛,抗消化性溃疡作用。适用于各种抑郁症。各类焦虑抑郁状态,消化性溃疡。 【...
Afterward, all patients received 25mg doxepin p.o. for 3weeks in an open-study design.Both doxepin application forms improved sleep significantly and reduced mean cortisol levels from 9.0±1.7g/l (single placebo i.v.) to 7.5±1.6g/l (single doxepin i.v.) or 7.6±2.0g/l (subchronic ...
mg. Psychiatric history: Assess for history of depression/mood disorder, anxiety, and/or sleep disorder. Red Flags: the patient should be carefully observed over the frst 24-48 hours for these serious signs. Red fags are to be assessed as possible signs of deteriorating neurological functioning...