As noted by Bhagwat and Ghajar [1] and confirmed in this work, the Ugd for the upward and downward flows at a liquid superficial velocity of 0.2 m/s displayed in Table 4 may be applied reciprocally by exchanging the sign of the Ugd from plus to minus with the assumption that direction...
By increasing h+, M30 and M03 attain an opposite sign, becoming positive and negative, respectively. Near the bed, M12, is positive, while M21, is negative, showing that the diffusion of vertical and streamwise RNS is in the flow and in downward directions, respectively. By increasing h+,...
It should be noted that the negative sign in Equation (1) denotes that we take into consideration a case of positive lightning leader occurrence. Here, it should be added that, in practice, the parameter Hm can be treated as the level from which the lightning leader starts its downward ...