Downton Abbey: A New Era Our talented artists turn back time once again for the Downton Abbey sequel, A New Era. Learn More Film Amazon Studios Wonderstruck Todd Haynes’ Wonderstruck is an adaptation of Brian Selznick’s illustrated children’s novel. Learn More Home...
Downton Abbey is a jointly produced UK-US period soap opera drama that ran from 2010-2015 on ITV in the UK, and as a series on the long running United States anthology series, Masterpiece, on PBS. It was produced by Carnival Films/Masterpiece Productions. The series, starring Academy Aw...
◎片 名 Downton Abbey: A New Era ◎年 代 2022 ◎产 地 英国,美国 ◎类 别 ...
Downton Abbey is one of the most successful historical drama shows of all time. Here is a guide to this cast of the beloved characters.
These period dramas should keep you busy during the wait for 'Downton Abbey: New Era.' Since Downton Abbey ended, Julian Fellowes has moved on to shows like The Gilded Age which, similar to Parade's End, represent the social struggles of its time in a more realistic manner than Downton...
Downton Abbey is a British historical drama series that follows the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their domestic servants during the early 20th century. Set in a fictional Yorkshire country estate, the series spans from the post-Edwardian era, through the First World War, and into...
Highclere Castle is best known as the real-life Downton Abbey, as it was where Downton Abbey was filmed. Many people visit to see the fictional home of the Crawley family and their servants. However, Highclere Castle, the family seat of the Earls of Carnarvon, has a rich history of its ...
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