Files created in JupyterLab can be downloaded to a local path.If a file is less than or equal to 100 MB, directly download it from JupyterLab. For details, see Downloadin
解决:Failed downloading url jupyter notebook/gluon/dataset/fashion-mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz 最近在学习mxnet框架,然后fashion-mnist数据集的下载设置国内站点会比较快,就在运行Jupyter记事本前指定MXNet使用国内站点下载数据。 1 setMXNET_GLUON_...
Welcome for providing great books in this repo or tell me which great book you need and I will try to append it in this repo, any idea you can create issue or PR here. Due to github Large file storage limition, all books pdf stored inYandex.Disk. ...
If using Anaconda, you can use the .yml file to create appropriate environment If using Startup.bat file, edit (in a text editor) to reference appropriate folders Once you get a Jupyter Notebook open, paste the attached .zip file below in an accessible location (and ...
str_split("\\?genre=book&isbn=") ids <- substr(unlist(aux), 1, 17)[-1] sapply(ids, function(x) { url <- paste0("", x, ".pdf") download.file(url, paste0(x, ".pdf"), mode = "wb") ...