Visual Studio 适用于 Windows 上 .NET 和 C++ 开发人员的最全面 IDE。 完整打包了一系列丰富的工具和功能,可提升和增强软件开发的每个阶段。 了解更多 Visual Studio Code 在Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上运行的独立源代码编辑器。 JavaScript 和 Web 开发人员的最佳选择,具有几乎可支持任何编程语言的扩展。
- Tools for Apache Cordova and Unity to reach even more platforms In short, using Visual Studio Community 2013, you can code faster than ever with an advanced code editor and seamless debugging. The power of the cloud, state-of-the-art tools, and agile development services pr...
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 的团队资源管理器语言包 Visual Studio 2013 的团队资源管理器语言包是一个免费加载项,可用于切换团队资源管理器用户界面中显示的语言。 重要事项! 在下方选择语言会自动将整个页面内容更改为该语言。 选择语言 下载 全...
Thank you for reporting in our community supported forum. According to your screenshot, your machine ran out of disk space. Please free up enough disk space and make sure the drive C:\ has over 5.1 GB empty space, then restart the Visual Studio Installer to install vs again. Visual Studio...
Did you try downloading from the below link. It works perfectly. Visual Studio Community 2015 Thanks, Sabah Shariq Saturday, March 12, 2016 5:01 AM Hi Sabah, yes I have. my download amounts range from 800mb to 2.2gb. Given up , need help. cheers code blue...
Diese Seite bietet eine große Auswahl an Testversionen, Beispielen, Tools, Code und anderen Ressourcen rund um Visual Studio – von Microsoft und der Visual Studio-Community. Tabelle erweitern Laden Sie die gewünschte Visual Studio 2012 Edition herunter ...
VisualSVN for Visual Studio 2017 VisualSVN 6.8 supports Visual Studio 2017 only. It can be installed side-by-side with other VisualSVN versions. Compiled with Apache Subversion 1.14.5. Supports all editions of Visual Studio. VisualSVN 6.8.5 Size: 5.2 MB Date: December 19, 2024 Release ...
版本: Dev11 Date Published: 2012/10/11 File Name: VS2012Documentation.iso File Size: 2.2 GB 本页面上的 DVD5 ISO 映像文件可供那些希望为 Visual Studio 2012 产品文档创建安装 DVD(例如,用于管理员脱机安装)的用户使用。它不适用于那些拥有 Internet 访问权限并希望在单独的计算机上安装文档以供本地使用的...
architecture must match your app's target architecture. The Redistributable version must be at least as recent as the MSVC build toolset used to build your app. We recommend you use the latest Redistributable available for your version of Visual Studio, with some exceptions noted later in this ...
Since November, we have seen over 5 million downloads of Visual Studio Community, the fastest ever adoption of a Visual Studio product.Two years ago, we introduced Visual Studio Online, bringing a rich collection of cloud-hosted developer services to the Visual Studio Family – from source ...