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感謝您下載 適用於 Visual Studio 2013 的 Visual C++ 可轉散發套件 如果您的下載並未在 30 秒後啟動,請 按一下這裡以手動下載 Close window 選擇未下載的檔案 檔案名稱 Download Link 大小 vcredist_arm.exe 按一下這裡以手動下載 1.4 MB vcredist_x64.exe 按一下這裡以手動下載 6.9 MB v...
CLIx64Arm32Arm64 MacmacOS 10.15+ .zipIntel chipApple siliconUniversal CLIIntel chipApple silicon By downloading and using Visual Studio Code, you agree to thelicense termsandprivacy statement. Want new features sooner? Get theInsiders buildinstead. ...
VisualSVN 8.3 supports Visual Studio 2022 only. It can be installed side-by-side with other VisualSVN versions. Compiled with Apache Subversion 1.14.4. Supports all editions of Visual Studio (x64 and ARM64). VisualSVN 8.3.4 Release Notes ...
vcredist_arm.exe vcredist_x64.exe vcredist_x86.exe File Size: 1.4 MB 6.9 MB 6.2 MB Visual C++ Redistributable Packages 安装运行时组件,这些组件是在未安装 Visual Studio 2013 的计算机上运行使用 Visual Studio 2013 开发的应用程序所必需的。这些软件包安装以下库的运行时组件:C 运行时 (CRT)、标准 C++...
CLIx64Arm32Arm64 By downloading and using Visual Studio Code, you agree to thelicense termsandprivacy statement. Third party licenses for the CLI can befound here. For early adopters Insiders has the most recent code pushes and may lead to the occasional broken build. ...
Java 24 Build 24 Early Access/ SE Development Kit 23.0.1 Java allows you to play online games and chat with people around the w... Share with friends : Leave a Reply 0 Comments on Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 17.12 Build 35506.116
The X64 Redistributable package contains both ARM64 and X64 binaries. This package makes it easy to install required Visual C++ ARM64 binaries when the X64 Redistributable is installed on an ARM64 device.Download other versions, including long term servicing release channel (LTSC) versions, from...
Latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version The latest version is14.42.34433.0 Use the following links to download this version for each supported architecture: ArchitectureLinkNotes ARM64https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.arm64.exePermalink for latest supported ARM64 version ...
The X64 Redistributable package contains both ARM64 and X64 binaries. This package makes it easy to install required Visual C++ ARM64 binaries when the X64 Redistributable is installed on an ARM64 device.Download other versions, including long term servicing release channel (LTSC) versions, fro...