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1. Please make sure the wireless network card is inserted into your computer‟s USB port. 2. Reboot the computer and try again. 3. Remove the card and insert it into another USB port. 4. Remove the driver and re-install. 5. Contact the dealer of purchase for help. 1. Click „...
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The value of the License uantity must not be exceeded. If a rule applies but according to the limit set no licenses can be allocated by this rule, then it is assumed that the rule does not apply and the next rule is applied. 8. Click the "Add" button to add the new rule. A ...
Black 比色卡 Colorimetric card 多元性状 Multivariate traits 唇瓣斑点 LSP 1.无;9.有 1. No; 9. Yes 目测 Eye-measurement 二元性状 Binary trait 合蕊柱主色 CDC 合蕊柱斑点 CS 1.白色;2.绿色;3.黄色;4.橙色;5.粉色;6.红色;7.紫色;8.棕色;9.黑色 1. White; 2. Green; 3. Yellow; 4. ...
ZHAO Xin. Design of Three-Aixs Simulation Table's Servo Control Card and the Research of Filter Algortithm[D」. Dissertation for the Master's Degree in Engineering. 2007. [7]李会娟,计算机控制系统的软件抗干扰技术[ii.信息化 纵横,2009( 14):18-20. U Hui一uan. Software Anti-Jamming ...
2022 人地耦合视角下中国自然保护地有效性 评估研究进展与展望 于超月 1,高阳 1,2*,王晨旭 3,刘悦忻 1 (1. 中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院,北京 100193;2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,北京 100085; 3. 北京师范大学地理科学学部,地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,北京 100875) 摘要:自然保护地有效性评估是...
[uan]to constì hanno discorso, e di che sentimento li habbiate ritrovati, che cio mi puoteva servire al q[ua]nto di regola nel trattate con loro, e p[er]ciò vorrei in simili materie com'altre volte [unleserliches Wort] usi farsi più abbondanti nello scrivere, e facile che fra...