To make matters worse, you quickly become caught in the middle of a showdown between the survivors that live on the island, and those that live within the vast network of twisted metal that hangs frozen in the skies. But which side is right, and who knows the truth about the exotic ...
La nota parzialmente negativa invece consiste nel fatto che nella prima parte tende a riprendere pari pari fatti dei capitoli precedenti, positivo per chi non li ha mai letti o che li ha letti tempo fa, meno piacevole in una "maratona" sulla serie。 。。。more ...
Much of what is found here has come from the Maklu text, of which the only extant translation is in the German of Tallqvist ("Die Assyrische Beschworungsserie Maqlu nach dem originalen im British Museum Herausgegeben" Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, Tomm. XX, No. 6, Helsingforsiae ...
Much of what is found here has come from the Maklu text, of which the only extant translation is in the German of Tallqvist ("Die Assyrische Beschworungsserie Maqlu nach dem originalen im British Museum Herausgegeben" Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, Tomm. XX, No. 6, Helsingforsiae ...