首先,用户需要打开终端窗口,并输入以下命令来安装tmux: sudo apt-get install tmux 通过这条命令,用户可以轻松地在Linux系统中安装tmux。安装完成后,用户可以通过输入“tmux”命令来启动tmux会话。在tmux会话中,用户可以使用各种快捷键来控制窗格的分割、会话的管理等操作。 tmux的强大之处在于其灵活性和扩展性。用户可...
Tmux 3.0a Tor Torsocks 2.3.0 VeraCrypt 1.25.9 Vivaldi 6.0.2979.18 W3M 0.5.3 Zathura 0.4.5Version 8.3.0:Base System: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS Linux Kernel 6.0.11-x64v3-rt14-xanmod1 MATE Desktop Environment (mostly disabled) 1.24.0 Alacritty 0.11.0 Bleachbit 4.1.0 Castero 0.9.5 ...
Kill a session tmux kill-session -t NAME Detach from session $PREFIX + d Rename current session $PREFIX + $ $PREFIX is Ctrl + b. Simply hold the Ctrl key down and press the b key. Then release the Ctrl key and type the next character.Window...
Linux Cheat Sheets Tmux basics Cheat SheetbyTheCultOfKaos Are you a heavy command line user? Do you long long-running jobs via the terminal that you don't want to accidentally close even if you lose your connection? If so, tmux is for you!
在具有以下规范的Ubuntu服务器上: user@server:~$ uname -mor 5.4.0-139-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux user@server:~$ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS" VERSION_ID="18.04" HOME_URL="https: ...
Tmux terminal multiplexer Mutt email client Cmus music player CDW CD burner Htop, an interactive process viewer SurfRaw (with wrapper) to search from the term Weather App MPV video/audio player with wrapper Vim and Nano for editing Five term-based games Two term-compatible web browsers: W3M and...
bashbunni/dotfiles - My config/dotfiles for tmux, nvim, i3, bla bla bla, nerd things. (⭐️396) benfowler/telescope-luasnip.nvim - Neovim plugin. Telescope.nvim extension that adds LuaSnip integration. [MIT License] (⭐️203) bfredl/nvim-luadev - REPL/debug console for nvim...
AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software contains a collection of open source and GNU software built for AIX IBM Systems. These tools provide the basis of the development environment of choice for many Linux application developers.
下載檔案 在終端機(terminal) 輸入以下指令,就可以下載囉! curl -O [貼上要下載的網址] Reference https://blog.techbridge.cc/2019/02/01/linux-curl-command-tutorial/ ⭐Linux 指令 相關文章整理 (此表最後手動整理時間:2022/10/5) ⭐:
This build contains the first public release of Bash on Ubuntu on Windows and the underlying Windows Subsystem for Linux. Installing Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Important: To run Bash/WSL,you must be running a 64-bit version of Windows 10 on a 64-bit PC.If you do NOT see “Windows Subsys...