How would you ratemacSvn? macSvnfor Mac $199.00 In English Version2.0.2.5974 Download(108.6 MB) Buy Now Write a detailed review aboutmacSvn 5.0 (2Reviews ofmacSvn) Comments User Ratings IP-Geek Dec 2 2024 0.0 Looks like a great alternative to TortoiseSVN for macOS, but unfortu...
The latest version of svnX is unknown on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for IDE in the Developer Tools category.
RapidSVNfor Mac Free In English Version0.12.0 Download(3 MB) Write a detailed review aboutRapidSVN 0.5 (1Reviews ofRapidSVN) Comments User Ratings MPalourdio Aug 23 2012 0.12.0 0.5 BE CAREFUL IT ISN'T AN "INTEL-BASED APP" : It requires to run... Bad rating because i ca...
Download SvnX 2.0.1 for Mac - A free and open source application that provides a simple yet efficient environment for working with repository copies, spot changes and operate on them
Q: Does macSvn support branching and merging? A: Yes, it includes tools for creating branches and merging changes. Q: Does macSvn support external diff tools? A: It allows you to configure external diff tools for comparing file changes. ...
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TortoiseSVN is one of the most powerful Apache subversion (SVN) clients that you can find, but if when you are migrating to Mac, TortoiseSVN by The TortoiseSVN team is no longer a viable solution. However, you can replace all functions of TortoiseSVN for Mac using a utility from this ...
The Cornerstone Subversion (SVN) client for Mac just got better with shelving, checkpointing, and blazing fast performance. Get a free trial or buy for $79 per year.
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Smart SVN Pro also can watch for changes of other repository locations, e.g. for libraries used by the project.SmartSVN Professional for Mac (optionally) suggests adding new or removing missing files, and is capable of detecting moved and renamed files.You can pick a commit message from a ...