Videos can be filtered by their upload date using the options --date, --datebefore or --dateafter. They accept dates in two formats: • Absolute dates: Dates in the format YYYYMMDD. • Relative dates: Dates in the format (now|today)[+-][0-9](day|week|month|year)(s)? Examples...
Hardware Acceleration:Supports hardware acceleration for certain codecs, enhancing playback performance on capable hardware. Subtitle Support:Offers support for a wide range of subtitle formats, allowing users to enjoy multimedia content with subtitles. Configurability:Users have the flexibility to configure...
Fixed windowed Kodi becoming larger on every start when running on Wayland with a scale factor (PR) OSX Fixed crash when trying to detect optical media (PR) Windows Fixed the crash issue that occurred when accessing the computer using Remote Desktop Protocol (PR) ...
SubtitleCreator allows you to convert subtitle files to the binary format expected by DVD authoring tools such as Muxman, IfoEdit or ReJig. Create and add your own subtitles to a DVD.
1 Lady Justice: Subtitle TK 2 Lady Justice: The Women Lawyers of the Trump Resistance 3 Running While Black: TK 4 You're That Bitch: TK 5 Title 332501 CS: Subtitle 332501 CS 6 April Lady 7 Lady Midnight 8 Lady Mechanika 9 Lady Mary 10 Lady February 11 Cat Lady 12 ...
MegaBox HD comes with an In-app subtitle option. You can use this option to get subtitles for your movies and tv shows. You don’t have to go to the Internet, then search for a particular movie’s subtitles. You get the option to enable or disable the subtitles for any movie or tv...
[EmbedSubtitle] Embedding subtitles in "Accelerated Back Hopping in Half-Life 2 - Math Explained [S8lriQJnnjs].mkv" [debug] ffmpeg command line: ffmpeg -y -loglevel repeat+info -i 'file:Accelerated Back Hopping in Half-Life 2 - Math Explained [S8lriQJnnjs].mkv' -i 'file:Accelerated ...
* translations: added a Norwegian Bokmål translation of the man pages by Roger Knutsen (see `AUTHORS`). ## Bug fixes * mkvmerge: when using timestamp files for subtitle tracks, mkvmerge will no longer set a default duration for the track. Partially fixes #3711. * mkvmerge: when using ...
The subtitle 'WANDERERS FROM Ys' marks this installment as an ambitious project that incorporates new elements. The perspective has shifted from a 'half-top view' to a 'side view,' and the method of attack has changed from physical collisions to swinging a sword, allowing for a variety of ...
MediaMuxer is a powerful tool for file-based digitalmediamultiplexing and de-multiplexing. It can be used for ... and video elementary stream files and for demultiplexingmediafiles to audio, video, subtitle, teletext, user-data and other binary elementary stream files. Supportedmediaformats for ...