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Spare us your passive aggressive retardation. This "hate" and "harassment" shit lost its stock a long time ago if it had any to begin with. If a man tells me he's a woman, I'll shrug my shoulders and stuff a belly laugh for as long as I can, but if he insists, then I've ...
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Lord, how it looks about! Believe me, sir, It carries a brave form. But ’tis a spirit. PROSPERO No, wench; it eats and sleeps and hath such senses As we have, such. This gallant which thou seest Was in the wreck; and, but he’s something stain’d With grief that’s beauty’...
The great advantage of�s policy of allowing you to return to your purchases is that, as with Chandos�s, obtaining a lossless version allows you to come back and download the mp3 version for your personal player. That also allowed me to compare the ...
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James Bond has a very personal score to settle with a particularly gruesome drug lord, one who just happens to be very rich. Nothing will stand in his way---not even M---to get the man who murdered his old friend's bride on their wedding night. John Gardner was approached by famed ...
We had an over-the-top great time dancing at The 5 Spot on a Monday night, ate at a really great Latin restaurant (whose name escapes me), stopped in at Third Man Records, got to tour United Record Pressing. We had such a great time that my wife and I often talk about going ...