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Thanks@ncw& others for the amazing rclone and for looking at this. With a 100/40 Mbps async connection at home this is my only feature request. I really like the colon-separated values idea. My only concern is that it may be easy to get it backwards! Is the natural orderup:downordow...
Official Zee Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, nzb, google drive, telegram document, mega links, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites and jdownloader supported sites, then upload them
Core Improve: supports FUSE-rclone partitions Core Bugfix: an error occurred when moving the downloaded file in the tasks in which only part of files are selected to download Core Bugfix: program cannot start in Windows XP v1.99 [Windows] [macOS] 2023.4.5 GUI Improve: Add dark mode, follo...
- Fixed: Under certain circumstances, installing a plugin with a duplicated name (Nut, Rclone, etc) would display the incorrect installed version in Installed / Previous Apps ###2019.08.17 - Prioritize search results for matches on app name first #...
UPDATED 05/07 Rclone v1.66.0- A free command line program to sync files/directories to cloud. Refresh 05/07 Recently Created or Modified Exe. Search v2.1.0.2- Tool for incident response. UPDATED 05/06 Delete.On.Reboot v3.31- Free tool to delete locked files, directories & subfolders. UPD...
❝🎉代码仓库地址:欢迎star one-yolov5项目 获取最新的动态。如果您有问题,欢迎在仓库给我们提出宝贵的意见。🌟🌟🌟如果对您有帮助,欢迎来给我Star呀😊~ ❞ 源码解读:utils/ ❝这个文件主要是负责从github/googleleaps/google drive 等网站...
UPDATED 05/07 Rclone v1.66.0- A free command line program to sync files/directories to cloud. Refresh 05/07 Recently Created or Modified Exe. Search v2.1.0.2- Tool for incident response. UPDATED 05/06 Delete.On.Reboot v3.31- Free tool to delete locked files, directories & subfolders. UPD...
核心改進:支援 FUSE-rclone 分區 核心修正:只選擇部分文件下載的任務,在移動已下載檔時會報錯 核心修正:修復Windows XP下無法啟動的問題 v1.99 [Windows] [macOS] 2023.4.5 界面改進:增加深色模式,默認跟隨系統設置,可在主視窗查看功能表切換(需 Win10 1809 或更高版本) 界面改進:任務截圖及任務評論改為使用Web...
核心改進:支援 FUSE-rclone 分區 核心修正:只選擇部分文件下載的任務,在移動已下載檔時會報錯 核心修正:修復Windows XP下無法啟動的問題 v1.99 [Windows] [macOS] 2023.4.5 界面改進:增加深色模式,默認跟隨系統設置,可在主視窗查看功能表切換(需 Win10 1809 或更高版本) 界面改進:任務截圖及任務評論改為使用Web...