downloadthis的目的是在RMarkdownHTML输出中实现下载按钮,而无需runtime:shiny 。 安装 您可以使用以下方法从安装downloadthis的发行版本: install.packages( " downloadthis " ) 您可以使用以下命令从安装downloadthis的开发版本: # install.packages("remotes") remotes :: install_github( " fmmattioni/download...
R MarkdownCreate dynamic reports and documents with R Markdown. Combine R code, visualizations, and narrative text for reproducible research.Shiny AppsBuild interactive web applications directly from the app using the Shiny framework, ideal for sharing data-driven insights.Integrated HelpAccess R ...
URL: License: GPL (>=3) LazyData: TRUE Imports: raster (>= 2.5-8), gdistance, Matrix, lubridate Suggests: testthat, rmarkdown, knitr VignetteBuilder: knitr Packaged: 2016-11-24 11:37:02 UTC; javi Depends: R (>= 3.4) NeedsCompilation: no Re...
This package builds the download button in R Markdown usingbsplus, and it was inspired onthis postfromYihui Xie. ✅{downloadthis}now usesfont-awesome icons v.6.5.2 Usage Data frames, lists, or any R object library(downloadthis)mtcars%>% download_this(output_name="mtcars data set",output...
Description Turn markdown files into html presentations you can share with dropbox (or S3, or...). Source Files The download file has the following entries. .gitignore/**/.jshintrc .npmignore
第一步:安装R语言及Rstudio 首先根据操作系统来安装R语言软件 最好是安装最新版 Download R for ...
Real time Markdown & RDoc Previewer without any AJAX requests. Source Files The download file has the following entries. css/bootstrap.min.css ...
Possible to utilize Sweave in addition to R markdown Includes a useful HTML coding resource Incorporated support for Git and bouleversement Ability to facilitate PDFs, Word Files, and HTML pages Offers an online image feature as well Accessible utilized equipment into a solitary atmosphere ...
I’ve wrapped the solution in a handy function called create_dt(), which just adds a bit of convenience as I can simply load this script at the beginning of a RMarkdown document and then call the function throughout the document, whenever I want to display the data and make them downl...
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