Captions: Delete *all* cc708 windows in CC708Reader::Reset(). Make seeks faster for slow decoders / large keyframe distances. MythUIScrollBar: Initialize maximum to zero until it is actually known, MythMainWindow::Norm: With very small values of x, scaling down can cause themechooser: Lo...
264P Updated analysis of entrectinib in a subset of Chinese (mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) patients (pts) with NTRK fusion-positive (fp) solid tumours and ROS1-fp non-small cell lung can- cer (NSCLC)[J]. Ann Oncol, 2022, 33: S1536. Drilon A, Lae...
Functional characterization of the Pinellia ternata cytoplasmic class II small heat shock protein gene PtsHSP17.2 via promoter analysis and overexpression in tobacco[J]. Plant Physiol Biochem, 2022, 177: 1-9. (责任编辑 李楠) http-equiv="content-type" ...
构建 JrSPLs(28 个 ),AtSPLs(16 个 ),SlSPLs (17 个),PtSPLs(28 个)的系统发育树(图 4),89 个 SPL 大致分为 8 组(G1-G8), 除 G3 和 G6 外, 其余组均包含了 4 个物种的成员,G1 包含的最多 为 20 个成员.28 个 JrSPL 分布在所有 8 个组中,数量 3(G1)-6(G7)不等.在 G4 ...
Especially under Human Rights (LAB) we see an improvement in 2022 vs 2021 of +3.4 pts and in Environment +4.3 pts • New recruits exhibit lower scores at entry level, pushing the average a bit down. This we consider a normal outcome; we invest and wor...
犚频;,狓2⌒犻分犖,犽复系 统用[(2o3]rt将ho这go些na经lf过re调qu制en后cy的di信vis号io依n 次mu分lti配ple到xi各ng子,O载F波D上M), 经过并 串转换和逆快速傅里叶变换 (inversefastFourier t除ran符sf号or间m干,I扰FF[2T42)5]后.加图入2循为环H前R 缀PI(DcyCcSliKcp系re统fix的,发...
任务(,1行)为概,念功(能Co等nc.ep根t)据:不M仅EC包C括P通结常构意,M义E的CC概P念本,体还中包括的 核心概念主要包括维修情境,故障分析,维修方案,效果反 馈4类,同时核心概念还可继续细分,具体表示如下: (2)M关E系CC(PRoenlattoiloongy):_C主on要ce用pts于=描{犮述1,犮概2念,…之,犮间狀}...
Chen KC, Lin CY, Kuan CC, Sung HY, Chen CS (2002). A novel defensin encoded by a mungbean cDNA exhibits © 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany 李晓明等: 普通菜豆抗菜豆象性状的全基因组关联分析 87 insecticidal activity against bruchid. J Agric Food Chem 50, 7258–7263. Cormier F, Le...
wbweathyiwctehoenisatdhtjeauskgtinuitgdhaemnicsmesaancdeicsuutvraeanrccyeoovafenrtldhoeamdinidtoecfrocuienrptsteeorrcgeaupintddoartnhciees proposed.Thesimulationresultsshowthatthedesignedmidcourseguidancelawhashighprecision,goodreliability caanndbsiemcpolnetrfoolrlemd.wiWthhienn1t0h0emmeistserdsis,twan...