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find_package(json-c CONFIG)target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}PRIVATEjson-c::json-c) Then you might run in your project: cdbuild cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/json_c/install/lib64/cmake .. Using json-c To use json-c you can either include json.h, or preferably, one of ...
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Lab. III: MINI PROJECT - Maharshi Dayanand University Maharshi Dayanand University's BCA syllabus builds a strong foundation in computer science and software development, including computer fundamentals, data structures, operating systems, and database systems, equipping students for IT and software career...
Free download Project in java,java Source Code for final year college student, project submission of BE, BCA, MCA. demo and sample java project source code. free download mini and major java project source code.Free download Projects in Java with source code,Web Application developed in JSP,...
ASP projects with source code and database are available for download. We supply the complete project as part of the requirements for BCA, MCA, BE, CS, and other students. Our website,, offers a large number of ASP.Net projects. The project makes use of ASP.Net. ...
free download PHP project content management system:-Content Management System is a web application is useful for Engineering, Diploma, BCA, MCA, Bsc CS, Msc CS, BscIT and MscIT students for their Final Semester/ Year with complete source code and documentation. Free download Content Management ...
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To do this in Visual Studio C++ for example, go to "Project", "settings", select the "Link" tab (the project file needs to be selected in the file view) and add ws2_32.lib to the "Object/library modules" entry You are now ready to use gSOAP from the Windows shell command line ...
Microsoft Project For Construction Bca - Microsoft Publisher Icon 1600*1600 15 5 PNG Big - Microsoft Windows 2400*2421 9 2 PNG Microsoft Clipart Powerpoint - Microsoft Powerpoint Logo 2013 2000*1964 15 10 PNG Ms Windows Clipart Computer System - Microsoft Corporation ...